There are two things that high horse power motors really disagree with – water and dust.
So when we were asked to deliver six motors to a mine site outside Newman, WA that would then be phased into use over a twelve month period, we knew we needed a special wrapping solution.
Ferocious winds spread the fine particles of red dust synonymous with that area, and should this just penetrate into the radiators, pistons or a multitude of other systems on these units, the repair and testing costs would run into the tens of thousands.
Our investigation and trials led us to the perfect system. 250 microns of strong, secure, heat-shrink wrap. Cuttable to allow for chaining and then re-sealing to prevent and dust or rainwater penetrating meant that when they left our warehouse in Melbourne, they could be unchained and unloaded by forklift on site without compromising their integrity.
Our WrapSafe system was born. Since then we have wrapped over 2,000 pieces of equipment, ranging from engines, gensets, boats, tractors and CNC machinery, through to pallets of wine for export, pallets of sensitive parts and equipment, and of course, goods that will sit in storage for long periods of time.